December 2018

Can a year take away your health, your dreams, your strength, your will to live?
Can a year scandalize and demoralize, opening your eyes and breaking your heart?
Can a year be a participatory offering for the conversion of sinners, that ultimately leads you closer to God?
Can it remake you into a person more compassionate, discerning, humble, and generous?
If yes, then I’d say it was a good year

You don’t need to win a million dollars
You don’t need to be searching restlessly in foreign lands
You don’t need to numb yourself into forgetfulness
If you’re lonely without God, then nothing else is gonna satisfy…
Your deepest longing is for love, and He loved us first and best of all

If you’re lost, or know someone who is,
It’s not too late to end the year on your knees
How we posture ourselves is so important
For how God graces us in the here and now, and for tomorrow

Religion’s very private for me
I’d be content to keep what’s sacred
Separate from the profane
But truth is universal and ought to be defended
Like the baby Jesus, being targeted by Herod’s men
By attacking the Truth, it affects everyone around
Bringing injustice, pain, and death
So we have to fight, even if we’re tired
We have to show, by words and deeds,
Who is God in our lives
The God of the living, Who is Love,
Who was, is, and always will be