October 2024

Am I too impatient, Lord
Wanting to see a Saul to Paul conversion in others
Your miraculous power in full display, in miracles that can convert this hardened world?

Am I too proud, Lord
Wanting to be in control over the salvation or punishment of others?
Though I dare not even think about it, sometimes my heart moves in this direction

I fear that my greatest enemy is myself
Because I can believe that I’m on a righteous path
And yet, do tremendous harm, if I’m not fully acting according to Your Will

Some have prayed that You take their life
Should they ever gravely sin against You, or add further injury to an already long list
I would also wish the same, but find that I would want to make reparation more

Like Saint Mary Magdalene, pouring out everything at Your feet
With no thought to cost, and with the sweet fragrance of love and repentance
Quietly weeping for my sins and for Your bleeding, wounded Heart

As the Church Militant, we’re taught to work the fields because the laborers are few
Sometimes the interior work of the soul is neglected—how is my personal relationship with You?
If I’m going astray, please slow me down, knock me off my horse, frustrate my foolish plans

Let me pray sincerely, listen more than speak
May my passion always be Your Passion
And may Your strength be made perfect because I’m so weak